The Buck Inn at Cowpe will now go forward to the regional final of the National Community Pub Awards and the chance to win a share in £21,000 prize money.

Other East Lancashire pubs newly nominated are the Dog and Partridge, Baxenden, and the Griffin in Blackburn.

Doreen and Bryn Williams, who have run the Buck Inn for almost three years, have also been busy - raising more than £4,000 for local charities last year alone.

Doreen said: "We involve just about everyone in Cowpe. People are very generous with their time and money in the village - but then raising money is easy if you're having fun too."

Regular Anne Storey agreed: "In Cowpe there are no shops, post office or bank. People who would usually meet in those places for a chat or advice go to the Buck - it is the village community centre and without it there would be no community."

Yvonne and Peter Whittaker have run the Dog and Partridge, Baxenden, for almost three years and raised £1,630 for good causes.

Yvonne said: "We try to make a difference to the local community and all our staff are commited to the vision Peter and I have to run a real community pub. We like to think the Dog and Partridge is like a magician to make dreams come true and try to remember birthdays and anniversaries of our customers and give them a little celebration.

"And it's really the people of Baxenden that make it what it is."

Alan and Margaret Yates, who have run The Griffin for more than 17 years, have raised thousands of pounds from quiz nights, raffles and auctions 18-month local toddler Rachel Wright who suffers from a rare chromosome disorder.

Rachel is the granddaughter of The Griffin's ladies darts captain Dorothy Wright.

Margaret said: "It was a terrible shock when we heard about Rachel because it is very rare and everyone in the pub has rallied round to help. It is a great community here and when something like this happens it makes you count your blessings."

The pubs are among a number of East Lancashire pubs to go forward to a regional final where 11 winners will receive £1,000 each to donate to their favourite charity and go forward to a national final where the winner will receive £10,000.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.