A MOTHER-of-three has been ordered to pay £100 after her dog was spotted fouling a pavement by a warden.

Patricia Stewart, 26, of Rimington Avenue, Fern Gore, Accrington, pleaded guilty at Hyndburn Magistrates to two charges relating to the mongrel.

She was told to pay £30 for allowing the dog on the highway without an identification collar and a further £30 for failing to clean up dog dirt from the pavement.

Stewart was also ordered to pay £40 costs.

Gordon McMillan, prosecuting for Hyndburn Borough Council, said the black and white mongrel had been spotted by a dog warden in Fern Gore Avenue on October 12 last year.

The warden, Lee Haworth, recognised the dog as he had previously impounded it and Stewart had been to kennels to collect it.

Mr McMillan said: "A fixed penalty ticket for £25 was sent but was not paid, so a prosecution was brought."

Alfred Rebello, defending, claimed Stewart had never received the fixed penalty notice.

He added: "The defendant is not sure who let the dog out. She accepts it was her dog but points out she would always clear up after it."

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