A PENDLE doctor rubbed shoulders with England cricket captain Alec Stewart and James Bond actor Roger Moore along with other dignitaries as he received his MBE honour from the Queen during an investiture at Buckingham Palace.

Dr Ikram Malik, who was granted the award in the New Year Honours list, was joined by his wife Raisa who has a surgery with her husband at Nelson Health Centre.

Following the ceremony at the Palace the couple went to the Houses of Parliament to enjoy lunch with Pendle MP Gordon Prentice and his Burnley counterpart Peter Pike.

"It was a very interesting and enjoyable day," said Dr Malik.

"We were allowed to walk round the Palace after the ceremony which was very interesting and there were some very well-known people there with us."

Dr Malik is chairman of Pendle Pakistan Welfare Association and immediate past chairman of Burnley and Pendle Racial Equality Council.

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