A PUB landlord was left high and dry after he was locked out of his car - by his pet poodle.

Ken Peet, of the Railway Hotel, Pleasington, left his poodle Wallace in his car while he went to stock up on supplies at Booker Cash and Carry, Amberley Street, Blackburn.

As Ken pushed a trolley full of beers out of the store and headed out in the rain towards his car, disaster struck.

He said: "I'd left my keys in the car and Wallace started jumping about when he saw me returning and he pushed down the peg which locks the door.

"He looked very pleased with himself and he seemed delighted that he had locked me out." Ken, 63, rang his wife Hazel to get the AA to come out to save the day.

They rushed to the scene and broke into the car by putting a screwdriver through the lock.

Ken did not reprimand the two-year-old poodle once he'd got back into his car.

He said: "Wallace is a lovely dog and is very intelligent. He could have prevented a theft as the car door was unlocked and I'd left the keys in the car.

"He may have kept me out of my car, but he also kept everybody else out!"

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