IN Saturday's edition (March 27), Page Nine carried an article headed 'Projects to boost deprived areas,' which gave details of a visit from a high-flying government minister, Angela Eagle, the purpose of which is to launch a series of measures to boost Hyndburn's deprived communities.

One paragraph in particular is worthy of deep consideration: "Community leaders and council delegates will rub shoulders at Sparth House Hotel to discuss Labour's policy on regeneration."

This quite clearly makes it a meeting designed for purely party political purposes and, as such, the costs should not be borne by the taxpayers of Hyndburn, but by the local Labour Party's coffers.

Bearing in mind that local elections are due in just over five weeks, and that the meetings will be attended by Councillor George Slynn and others, who, presumably, will take an active part, then the costs should be apportioned so that they can appear on his or her election expenses.

GRANVILLE BROADHURST, Sharples Street, Accrington.

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