TEENAGE "have a go'' shop assistant Robert Wyllie was stabbed in the stomach when he went to tackle a robber who had grabbed one of his bosses around the throat.

Robert, 16, a student at Nelson and Colne College, went at the robber with a stick used to pull down the shutters at Joyce's off licence and video shop in Hodder Street, Briercliffe Road, Burnley.

He was stabbed as he hit the knifeman on the arm and was taken to Burnley General Hospital for three stitches in the wound.

He was allowed home but returned to hospital today for a further check-up.

His mum Julie, who lives in the Casterton area, said: "Robert has worked in the shop for about two years to earn some spending money.

"He said a man came in and grabbed Mrs Patel, one of the owners.

"As he was leaving Robert went at him with the stick and was stabbed."

The shop has been run by Anil and Hemleta Patel for about 11 years.

Mr Patel said: "A man armed with a knife came in and grabbed by wife around the throat. He was asking for money.

"He eventually let go and as he was leaving Robert was injured.''

Mr Patel said his wife was not hurt but was badly shocked.

Detective Sergeant Mark Gray said: "The offender grabbed Mrs Patel around the throat and threatened her with a knife with a blade three to five inches long. When they refused to give him any he let go.

"At some point during the incident the shop assistant was injured and was bleeding from a small injury to his stomach.''

Police are appealing for anyone who saw the man running away or anyone who has information to contact Burnley CID on 01282 425001 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

A man has been arrested and was due to be interviewed by detectives today.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.