A WORRIED mum is watching the Kosovo conflict unfold on TV while her 21-year-old daughter serves with the British army in neighbouring Macedonia.

Rachael Allen, from Rishton, was one of the first female soldiers to be sent into Macedonia in an international peace keeping force monitoring a separate conflict.

She is a telecommunications operator with the Royal Signals, working alongside soldiers from both Germany and the US.

Three US troops from the same force were last week captured by Serb soldiers and taken into Serbia to stand trial.

Rachael's mother Sharon, of George Street, Rishton, said: "She's very happy and has never complained even though they have been living in tents full of mud."

A former pupil of Rishton Methodist School and Norden High School, Rachael is usually based at barracks in York.

Her mum said: "When she was put on 72-hour standby to go over to Macedonia as part of the peace keeping force I was quite worried.

"She was 21 not long after she got there but she said everyone was great and had helped her celebrate.

"I was worried and upset when I heard about the bombing, and Rachael's grandma has been glued to the news.

"But because Rachael works in communications I have been able to keep in touch which has put my mind at rest."

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