A NEIGHBOURHOOD policeman has called on residents to back his campaign to get a park building demolished as part of a bid to tackle boozy nuisance teenagers.

But Hyndburn Council says it unhappy about the letter sent to 750 households by community policeman PC Paul Schofield and says it is already trying to improve Rhyddings Park in Oswaldtwistle.

The council says £10,000 of improvements are already under way and demolishing the derelict building might jeopardise a £680,000 bid for lottery cash.

Youths congregating near the former pavilion and playgroup at the top end of the park are drinking alcohol and vandalising nearby residents' property, according to PC Schofield.

His letter asked residents to back him in a campaign to get the 1960s brick-built pavilion demolished.

It stated: "Some of these young people have consistently gone too far with their youthful antics. Their behaviour is usually fuelled by alcohol.

"Most instances of disorder are encountered with the youths congregating around the derelict building at the top of the park.

"I intend to approach the council in an effort to persuade them to demolish this local eyesore. "I would urge you to contact myself or your local councillor to lend support to my proposal."

PC Schofield said he has had a number of supportive replies since the letter was sent out last month.

But Hyndburn Council's parks and open spaces officer Andrew Hayhurst said he was not pleased about the letter and would have preferred to discuss the matter with the police first.

Hyndburn Council recently announced £10,000 works to improve the park, as part of a £95,000 package to regenerate the town. A bid for lottery funding is being prepared to revamp leisure facilities in the park. Mr Hayhurst said: "The building is part of a bigger scheme of things for future development of the park.

"We are looking to take the building down anyway but it could cost up to £6,000.

"We need that money to back a bid for heritage lottery money worth £680,000.

"If we take the building down now we might lose the chance to improve the park in the future.

"There have been a small number of people causing problems over the last year or two, but we have had very few complaints. If residents have any queries, please speak to the council."

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