WORRIED shopkeepers have accused council bosses of failing to take responsibility for a dangerous stretch of pavement.

The traders in Duckworth Street, Darwen, claim Blackburn with Darwen Council allowed heavy road sweepers to break up stone paving flags outside their businesses and now expect them to pay the price.

Anna Sutton, of Anna's Market Garden, is locked in a legal battle after a pedestrian tripped and broke her wrist.

She has spend the last 11 months attempting to force Blackburn with Darwen Council to accept liability for the injuries.

"The first I knew somebody had been hurt outside was when a solicitor's letter arrived," she said.

"It seems the council had told the claimant I was responsible for the area outside my business.

"It caused a lot of upset and I still don't know what the outcome will be. My insurance company is dealing with it now."

"The pavement outside is an accident waiting to happen. People are always tripping up. Somebody could be killed if they went through. Everything was okay until half of the pavement was re-done by the council which disturbed everything.

"The council road sweeper didn't help matters when it started driving over the stone section." Alan Taylor, of Metro TV, is also calling for urgent action to repair the broken stone flags.

He said: "Since 1996 there have been two major incidents involving the road sweeper.

"The road sweeper is very heavy and should never been allowed on to the stone flags.

"If they had been left alone they would have lasted another 100 years.

"We feel like we are being fobbed off and the council are trying to shirk their responsibilities.

"The situation is ridiculous because the council are saying we are responsible for the pavements outside our shops because some have cellars underneath.

"It's become a farce because we can't touch the pavements yet are being told they are our responsibility."

A spokesman for Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council said: "We can confirm a meeting has taken place about this complex issue.

"The council denies liability for any damage to the footway."

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