Soapbox: Are we being manipulated? Ian Hodgson of Blackburn considers the facts

PLACE a frog in a pan of water, gradually turn the heat up and the poor creature will happily swim around until it is slowly boiled to death.

This cruel "experiment" is a perfect parallel to what is happening to the human race right now as we hurtle towards and beyond the new millennium.

Basically, a world government (a global dictatorship) is being introduced by stealth and many researchers have identified the steps being taken towards this and the people involved.

This total centralisation of all world power has been named the "New World Order" and would consist of:

One world government

One world currency

One world bank

One world army (currently the UN army)

A microchipped population - (this last suggestion is, on first hearing, totally bizarre but I will attempt to explain how it is planned to be brought about).

Firstly though, there are two main techniques or "tricks" employed to fool the population and to keep the real agenda in world politics hidden from scrutiny.

The two "tricks" are known as: 1 the "stepping stones" technique; 2 "problem-reaction-solution".

(Once aware of these manipulations, world events take on greater significance as you see the real game plan emerge - to bring about the New World Order.)

1. Stepping stones are significant world events seemingly unrelated but are in fact very much connected and are designed to move a secret agenda to its completion. For example: three "free regions" in Europe (the EEC - now the EU), the Americas (NAFTA), and Asia (APEC), were sold to the people as economic groups. Gradually however these mere "free trade areas" are evolving into centralised political unions with one central bank and one currency.

These are "stepping stones" to the introduction of the same institutions on a global scale. The European Economic Community, now the European Union was (is) the first of those but the other two are now under way also.

2. "Problem-Reaction-Solution" is: a problem is created by the hidden manipulators (widely known as "The Brotherhood," "The Committee of 300," or "The Illuminati"). This could be something like a run on a currency, a major conflict or a funding crisis.

The manipulators make sure someone else is publicly blamed for causing the problem. The response from the population and media is "something must be done." This is the reaction.

The solution is then offered, which was waiting in the wings all along, which helps to move the human race another step nearer the global nightmare of the New World Order. For example: a few years ago New Age Travellers were used as a problem and were constantly highlighted in the media as such. Eventually the cry went up from the population: "Something must be done." (Reaction).

The solution offered was the Criminal Justice Bill, which took away basic freedoms and became applicable to the entire population - not just the travellers. Having served their purpose (the introduction of severe restrictive legislation - a small "stepping stone" to help move us towards a global dictatorship), the travellers were no longer scapegoated in the media - the manipulators had succeeded totally into duping the population into handing over yet more of their freedoms.

The New World Order is also kept from public knowledge by a technique known as "compartmentalisation" - where people or institutions can be working in ignorance towards the global tyranny because they don't connect their role with the "bigger picture."

There are also deeply secretive institutions working behind the scenes for the manipulators' agenda. Ever heard of the Bilderberg Group for example? No? Did you know Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Kenneth Clarke, Paddy Ashdown and Chancellor Kohl are members?

If you doubt the speed in which the New World Order is being implemented, here's a quote from Hans Eichel, Germany's new Finance Minister (Daily Mail Saturday March 13): "Europe would be stronger if it spoke to the outside world with a single voice. Why do we still need individual national armies? In Europe, one army is enough, monetary union needs to be supplemented by social union and political union." There are also plans afoot to firstly get rid of physical money - moving to a cashless society, and slowly moulding public opinion via "stepping stones" to accept each person being implanted with a microchip containing all their credit details, medical records etc. The National Identity Card is another "stepping stone" towards this.

Many animals are now microchipped. US Marines are microchipped. Hollywood stars (fifteen) have had their children microchipped so they can be traced if kidnapped. The Daily Express in February spoke of "microchip medics" - drug implants measuring just 2mm.

Basically, it's wake up time for planet earth. Let love and individuality rule our lives - not the impending global tyranny.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.