Blackburn and District Bird Club meet Brinscall Baths car park 9am, for White Coppice.

Private Garden Open Day, The Ridges, Limbrick, Cowling Road, Chorley, 11am-5pm. Teas and plants for sale.

Antiques and Curio Fair, Hoghton Village Hall, Blackburn Old Road, 10am-4pm.

Blackburn Rambling Association: A and B Walks. Meet outside Blakey Moor Baths, 9am.

Hyndburn Ramblers meet Plantation Street 1pm/1.45pm Downham Visitors Centre. Leader: Judith Addison (six miles).

Cycling Festival, Accrington Town Centre, 9am-5pm.

Pendle Hill via Boar Clough (six miles). Meet Barley Information Centre, 10.45am.

Salsa Night, Jazzy Kex, Regent Street, Blackburn, 8pm.

Pendle Jazzmen, Burnley Mechanics, Manchester Road, 12.30pm.

Sunday Shopping, Blackburn Town Centre, 11am-5pm. Free parking.

The Only Foals and Horses Animal Sanctuary, Tea-room and Shop, Redshell Stables, Redshell Lane, off Haslingden Old Road, Oswaldtwistle, 1-4pm.

Karaoke Competition, Prince of Wales, Newmarket Street, Chorley, 8pm.

"Dinosaurs - Big, Bold and Dangerous!" exhibition, Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester. Until June 27. What's On Monday, May 3

"Beating the Boundaries" walk. Meet Wheelton Village Hall, 9.30am.

Private Garden Open Day, The Ridges, Limbrick, Cowling Road, Chorley, 11am-5pm. Teas and plants for sale.

Royal British Legion meet Canterbury Street Barracks, Blackburn, 7.45pm.

Chatburn Methodist Church Flower Festival, 10.30am-4.30pm.

Families Anonymous Self-Help Group - parents and relatives of people with drug problems, meet Sudellside Centre, Sudellside Street, Darwen, 7.30pm-9pm.

Al Anon - Help for families and friends of problem drinkers. Meet Mount Pleasant Resource Centre, Lark Hill, Blackburn, 7.30pm.

Information Shop for young people, 7 Feilden Street, Blackburn, 12 noon-5pm. Information, advice and counselling.

Walk-in, talk-in, mental health problems, meet in the Mind Centre, 51 Regent Street, Blackburn, 9.30am-5pm.

Sequence Dancing, Ewood Park WMC, Bolton Road, Blackburn, 7.30pm-10.30pm.

Line Dancing, St Francis Church Hall, Cherry Tree, Blackburn, 1pm-3pm.

Parent Toddlers Group meet in the Scout Hut, Emerald Street, Roe Lee, Blackburn, 9am-11am. New members welcome.

Sequence Dancing with MC's David and Margaret, Tony's Ballroom, Town Hall Street, Blackburn, 1pm-3.45pm.

Dancing, Central Methodists, Great Harwood, 7.30pm.

Bridge Club meet Old Blackburnians Club, Lammack Road, Blackburn, 7.15pm.

'Dinosaurs - Big, Bold and Dangerous,' -an exhibition of prehistoric monsters, with full-size models brought to life by animatronics, Museum of Science and Industry, Castlefield, Manchester, 10am-5pm every day. Until June 27. What's On is compiled by SUSAN SMITH. If you have any events to be included in this column, please phone Blackburn 678678 ext 239.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.