CHAMPION lady amateur Emma Ramsden opened her account for the season when springing a 25-1 surprise on Swan At Whalley in the Come Trotting in August Amateur Riders Handicap at Musselburgh today.

Although her mount had been reluctant to go into the stalls he was quickly away to allow his rider to tack over to the savoured far side.

The seven-year-old, owned by Lancashire Evening Telegraph tipster Harry Barlow, stayed on strongly to hold 10-1 chance Another Nightmare by a neck with Silk Cottage three quarters of a length away third and Kalar a close fourth.

"That was only my third or fourth ride this year", she said.

Hambleton trainer Kevin Ryan said: "He used to bleed when I first got him last year so I gave him a long break and let nature do its course. It appears to have done the trick as he has not bled in his last three races."

Harry Barlow napped Nifty Major (10-3) yesterday's winner of the five-furlong Neil Wyatt 1998 Groundstaff Award Winners Median Auction Stakes also at Musselburgh in his Stable Whisper's column last Tuesday.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.