PUBLIC walks in the woodland are being organised by the Forest of Burnley project on Sunday May 9.

The first short walk, suitable for families, starts from Towneley Hall at 10.30am and will look at recent work in Towneley woods and also hear about plans for the future.

The second begins at 11.30 am an cover over five miles around the cloughs and hills looking at present and future woodland sites.

Both walks are included in the South Pennines "making Tracks '99" festival and the Esso "Walks in the Woods" programme.

The walks, organised are organised jointly with the Trees for Burnley group.

The Forest of Burnley is funded with a £1.8 million Millennium Commission grant.

The project aims to restore 200 hectares of existing woodland and plant 500 hectares of new woodland by the end of 20001, with a total project spend of £3.5 million.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.