BURNLEY'S May Day Festival comes of age on Monday when the town celebrates the 21st annual workers' day event.

A packed programme of features and attractions starts at 11.45am with the May Day parade from Burnley town hall to Towneley Park showground.

Attractions include giant fun marquees, fairground, miniature railway, entertainers, an arena and a roadshow.

Marching music will be provided by the Blue Cavaliers' Band, the Kendalins and the Red Herring Street Band.

Guest speakers at the official opening at 1pm include Lorna Fitzsimmons MP, president of the Rail, Marine and Transport Union Bob Crow, and leading lawyer during the miners' strike John Hendry QC.

Burnley MP Peter Pike, who will also be speaking, is urging people to join the celebrations.

He said: "This is a workers' day and family day - and we can celebrate two years of a Labour Government."

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