SOCCER: Northbridge are champions of Division One of the Burnley and District Sunday League and Jesters need one point to become Division Two champions.

Results - Division One: Burnley Boys Club B 2, Craven Heifer 1; CWR Scaffolds 0, Northbridge Vending 2; Crooked Billet 2, Park View 3; Pleasant H & Pride 3, Miners 5; Stacksteads SJ 1, Black Bull 7.

Division Two: General Havelock 1, Royal Butterfly 1; Jesters 6, Redrose 2; Woodman Inn 5, Whitegate 0.

Division Three: Byerden House 3, Parkside 0; Cloverbrook 3, Cakeboards 4; TSB 3, Colne Clarets 5; Warburtons 5, Lane Ends B 1; Works Sports 0, Commercial 13.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.