OFFENDERS ordered to serve time for crime by completing demanding community service work have earned qualifications to help them towards a new future.

Certificates were presented to offenders whose unpaid work led them to learn skills such as emergency first aid, food hygiene and general work skills.

Their successes came about through a partnership between Lancashire Probation Services with Coldwell Activity Centre in Burnley and Nelson and Colne College.

Every week, up to 35 offenders from all over East Lancashire attended Coldwell, a holiday centre for disabled and disadvantaged people, to complete service orders imposed by the courts.

The offenders who received their certificates clean and cook at the centre.

Tutors from the college assess offenders for accredited qualifications for work studies.

Most are also offered the chance to gain the Royal Society of Health Essential Food Hygiene Certificate.

During the last year 76 qualifications were gained.

Centre manager Christine Goddard said: "Everyone who works with offenders is delighted with their successes."

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