BURNLEY hospitals' longest serving employee Jean Jordan finally bade au revoir to Burnley General Hospital - 48 years after he joined the health service as a junior clerk.

But it won't be a final farewell for the lady who is stepping down as medical secretary to rheumatology consultant Dr Michael Burke.

She'll be back soon - as a volunteer helping out in the department she served for years.

In fact Jean so loved her job she says she would have continued working until she was 70!

She says: "The National Health Service rules say I must retire so I am doing so, but I am very sad to be leaving."

Jean went on: "I love my work, my colleagues and everything about the job and I'm happy to be coming back as an odd job girl."

Jean, who is Burnley born and bred, has seen many changes in the health service and at the Burnley General site.

She says: "It is much more efficient but now so stressful.

"There have been many wonderful improvements, but the hospital has lost its character.

"When I started everyone knew everyone else. Now it is much more remote."

Jean, who was honoured for being longest serving Trust employee at last year's NHS Golden Jubilee celebrations was recently opened the hospital's new Victoria Wing.

She was presented with several gifts from her boss and colleagues including a gold necklace and bracelet and a commemorative clock.

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