A BABY at the centre of a murder inquiry died from a head injury consistent with shaking, an inquest was told.

Jack Shackleton also suffered abdominal injuries which could have proved fatal, Home Office pathologist Dr John Rutherford told the hearing in Burnley.

Dr Rutherford, who carried out a post mortem examination, said he also found bruises of various ages on the baby's skin relating to "past episodes."

No members of the baby's family were at the opening of the inquest at Burnley yesterday.

Dr Rutherford said the head injury was the cause of death and that it was consistent with a shaking type injury.

He said investigations were ongoing and a neuro-pathological examination and other examinations were still to be carried out.

Detective Inspector Colin Barton told East Lancashire coroner David Smith he was involved with investigations into the death of 16-month-old Jack Andrew Shackleton who lived in Bar Street, Burnley and who was found to be dead on arrival at Burnley General Hospital on April 17.

He was the son of Glen and Georgina Shackleton, of the same address, said Mr Barton.

Police were told of the death by the hospital after Jack was taken there by paramedics. The dead baby was identified to Detective Inspector Dave Lea by his father, he added.

Mr Barton said inquiries were made and the injuries, as far as he could judge, were inflicted at his home address sometime before he was taken to hospital.

"As a result of those inquiries, his father has been charged with murder and is due to appear at Preston Crown Court.

He asked the coroner to adjourn the inquest indefinitely.

He said a second post mortem examination had been performed and as far as police were concerned Jack's body could now be released for burial.

Arrangements had been made for the burial to take place on Thursday, he added.

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