IN reply to Janice Parker's support for staff at Darwen Moorland High School preventing pupils visiting our burger van (Letters, April 23), we have not said they should leave school without permission.

Many children have home passes for lunchtime.

Secondly, we do not want the school to override their decision as the burger bar is not aimed solely at the children, but is for anybody else who would like to use it.

As a businessman, I have looked at the pitfalls and do not solely rely on the schoolchildren.

Children taking their lunch home should be allowed to buy it where they wish.

Despite what Mrs Parker says, there is no extra traffic caused by the burger bar being open before school.

As for the effect of burgers on children's diets, they are better than chips which is what they usually get. And if you looked at a school menu, you would see burgers on it.

DAVID COOPER, Oddfellows Arms, Holden Fold, Darwen.

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