WORK has begun on demolishing the old fashioned shed roof over Blackburn railway station as part of a £5.5million re-development.

The roof will eventually be removed to make way for a glass dome structure over the platforms.

In recent years, holes in the roof have let in wind and rain.

Railtrack has erected a scaffolding underneath the roof which enables workmen to safely remove the roof piece by piece.

New modern waiting rooms will form part of the station revamp and the wall, facing out on to the Boulevard, is to be removed so that people outside the station will be able to see trains come and go.

The long disused platform four is soon to be re-opened so that work around platforms one, two and three can be carried out.

Other demolition work has seen one of the platform buildings disappear and other buildings, which have been on the station since it was opened in the late 19th century, will also bite the dust as work progresses.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.