I HAVE read over the past few weeks several comments concerning the proposed permit parking for the Railway Road area of Leigh, and would like to express mine.

Living in Buchanan Street, I am more than willing to pay £10 per year (fixed for three years) to be able to park anywhere near my home during the hours of 8.30am and 5.30pm.

Almost everyone in this area agrees with the scheme, as it costs us far more than 3p per day in petrol and wear and tear on our cars having to keep circling the block to get anywhere near our homes.

The main problem we can see is the back streets to our homes will be blocked by the same people that continually block them now. We are assured that extra attention will be focused on this problem, so the sooner the scheme is introduced the better it will be for all in this particular area.

Leigh Resident

Name and address supplied

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