STAFF at a plastics firm have rounded off a major growth phase with an award.

M&G Plastics has recently moved to larger premises on Marsh House Lane in Darwen to cope with growing demand for its plastic injection moulding services.

Now the firm, which employs 63, has received the Investors in People standard for staff development and training.

"Through IIP we implement a training programme which has led to less rejects and waste being produced, reduced staff turnover, lower absenteeism and an improvement in staff morale," said sales manager Tony O'Hara.

Other local employers to receive the IIP standard recently include St Cuthbert's Primary School, Darwen; Blackburn, Hyndburn & Ribble Valley Community Health Council; St Bede's RC High School, Blackburn, Meggitt Petroleum Systems, Blackburn and Fisher More High School.

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