AN elderly woman was left with a strained back and cuts and bruises to her arms and legs after thwarting a would-be bag-snatcher.

The plucky 61-year-old was walking home with a friend from a night at bingo when the incident took place at about 9.45pm on Monday, May 31. As the two women walked along Pigot Street, St Helens, a youth "appeared from nowhere"and tried to snatch the intended victim's handbag from her shoulder.

The woman refused to let go though and in the ensuing struggle she was pulled to the floor and dragged along the pavement. Her friend started to scream for help and the man ran away empty-handed along nearby Albion Street.

The attacker was white, about 17 years or age and 5ft 4in to 5ft 7in tall with a medium build. He was wearing dark clothing.

Anyone who can help police with their inquiries can contact DC Alan Pennington at St Helens CID on 0151 777 6064, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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