A TEAM of Prince's Trust volunteers from Burnley and Pendle were pushing the boat out today in aid of meningitis research.

The team of six set off today to push a canoe 96 miles from Blackpool to Colne.

Team member Josh Marsh said: "We were required to organise a major fund-raising event as part of our course with the Prince's Trust, but were only allowed two weeks to organise and complete it.

"Pushing a canoe on land is certainly a different way to raise money but it should turn some heads and hopefully raise more than £700."

The team will be joined in Burnley by Ian Gregg, a member of the Foundation's Rochdale and Oldham Action Group of fund-raisers.

Mr Gregg's four-year-old daughter Samantha died of meningococcal septicaemia three years ago on Christmas Eve.

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