A WORLD famous artist has gone missing - from Stacksteads.

But local people have been assured that sculptor Chris Drury hasn't left them high and dry.

Artist Chris Drury has spent months working on the latest addition to the Irwell Valley Sculpture Trail.

But work has now come to a standstill on the maze structure near Stacksteads Recreation Ground.

After working through May and June Chris took a break and was due to return to the town on July 12, but he hasn't been seen in Stacksteads since.

Concerned Councillor Michael McShea has been trying to track him down.

He said: "We don't know where Chris has disappeared to, or whether he is even in the country.

"He worked through all the bad rainy weather and now he is missing our glorious Rossendale summer. I know artists can be temperamental and have to work when they are inspired, but I'm sure Chris will soon return."

Local residents and schoolchildren have been looking forward to seeing the completed stone maze which will have a seating area and a tree as a central focal point. Cathy Newberry of the Irwell Valley Sculpture Trail said: "Chris is now due back on August 15. During his break he has been doing work on another project.

"Unfortunately the dry stone waller who was supposed to carry on with the work while Chris was away has been off as well because his wife had a baby.

"Things will be back to normal soon and the work should be completed in September."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.