TORIES in Blackburn and Darwen are calling for warden patrols to be introduced on council estates to improve safety and cut crime.

The government wants to encourage councils across the country to look at 50 pilot warden schemes which are now operating successfully.

Residents on estates where wardens operate have reported a increased sense of security, less crime and renewed community pride, according to a government report.

Uniformed wardens on such estates carry out security patrols, look after empty properties and respond to minor incidents of anti social behaviour and neighbourhood disputes.

Deputy Conservative group leader Coun John Williams said: "This is exactly the type of thing we need.

"The major concern on all our estates is misbehaviour by a small percentage of disruptive people.

"The government has plans for an expanding network of private security patrols, with patrol officers described as someone who provides an official or semi official presence in a residential area, with the primary aim of improving quality of life."

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