BLACKBURN Rovers' chase for Bradford City striker Robbie Blake could well be resolved one way or the other this week.

And there is a possibility of an outgoing transfer, with Rovers' First Division rivals Charlton Athletic maintaining their long-standing interest in Ewood full back Gary Croft.

But, contrary to speculation about a £1 million transfer for Croft, the London club have yet to register a concrete bid.

Manager Brian Kidd's strike force came under the spotlight in Saturday's goalless draw with Port Vale and sources close to Valley Parade believe that Blake will not be around much longer.

He was left on the substitutes' bench when Bradford opened their Premiership campaign with a 1-0 win at Middlesbrough on Saturday and seems to have been passed in the pecking order by their recent signing Dean Saunders.

There have also been reports that Bradford's neighbours Leeds are interested in the 23-year-old forward. But they are being linked with everyone and Bradford chairman Geoffrey Richmond rubbished that particular story today after confirming that Rovers' £2.5 million bid is still the only firm offer that has been received at Valley Parade.

"We have had no other offers for any of our transfer-listed players this week," said Richmond. "And I don't know where this report (Leeds) has come from."

Bradford have been holding out, hoping that bigger bids will come in for Blake who has been valued by his club at between £4-5 million.

Rovers, however, will not wait forever and, unless they can make progress this week, could well turn their attentions elsewhere.

Kevin Davies and Matt Jansen started Saturday's game with Kevin Gallacher being used as a substitute.

They rarely showed signs of breaking the deadlock, though Jansen went off injured during the second half.

"He wanted to stay on but he was winded after being caught in the ribs," said Kidd.

Ashley Ward is hoping to be back as soon as possible after suffering a badly bruised instep during pre-season training, while Nathan Blake is on the way back from suyrgery at the end of last season.

Kidd pointed to Rovers' attacking problems as the main reason why they had to settle for a point from the opening game.

"I just didn't think we had any cutting edge in the last third of the pitch," he said. "Credit to Port Vale. They set their stall out, got men behind the ball and it's up to us to have enough to break them down.

"But we were lacking in that area.

"We needed to show patience and get down the side of them. But, even when we put a wide lad on in Damien Johnson, it didn't do the trick for us."

Meanwhile, Croft could not even claim a place on the substitutes' bench against Vale and the indications are that Rovers will be prepared to let him go if another club comes in with a good offer.

Charlton could do just that, as they are believed to have been considering a move for some time.

But, as yet, they have not backed up their interest with hard cash.

Saturday's result and performance was particularly disappointing given the fact that Rovers drew a 20,000-plus crowd.

Kidd was not surprised by Vale's resistance and said: "I know and believe that it's going to be a tough season. People who think it's going to be easy are barking up the wrong tree."

Injuries continue to dog them but he also found a positive note in the two players making their first League appearance for the club.

"We can keep going on about injuries but we have to forget them and just go with what we have got," he said.

"That's all we can work with.

"I thought Simon Grayson and Craig Short looked very composed, showed good concentation and made decent debuts for the club."

James Beattie has rejected a new deal at Southampton and wants to become a free agent when his contract runs out in 2002.

Beattie, 21, out for the next three weeks with two broken ribs after a fall at his home this week, was offered a one-year extension to his present deal.

Agent Mike Morris admitted Saints would have had to break their wage structure to meet the player's demands.

Ewood Park is one of 15 grounds which form the foundations of England's 2006 World Cup bid, officially presented to FIFA today. As we revealed some time ago, Rovers' chances of becoming one of the 10 or 12 prospective venues would depend on the future redevelopment of the Walkersteel Stand.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.