MORE than a fifth of older people miss out on important weekly benefits, such as Income Support. This is paid to older people who do not have enough to live and who have less than £8,000 in savings.

In April, the rates for Income Support were raised more than the rate of inflation, which means that even more people may now qualify.

It is important to check whether you are missing out. Even if you are only entitled to a small amount, it will help you to obtain other help such as housing costs, NHS costs and grants from the Social Fund.

Counsel and Care, a national charity, has produced a free factsheet which explains who can claim Income Support and a chart to enable you to check if you are entitled. Send a 31p stamped addressed envelope to me.

AMANDA MALLONE, Factsheet 2, Counsel and Care, Twyman House, 16 Bonny Street, London NW1 9PG.

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