A SIX-year-old boy was fighting for his life today after colliding with a car as he played on his bike with friends.

Ryan Craig Cooper, of Russell Terrace, Padiham, was near to his home when the accident occurred, just after 7pm yesterday.

He suffered serious head injuries and was taken to Burnley General Hospital in a critical condition.

He was then transferred to the children's hospital at Pendlebury, Manchester, where his condition was today was described as serious but stable.

His mum, Debra, is at his bedside.

The accident happened in Stockbridge Road, Padiham, at the junction with Palmerston Street.

Ryan was involved in a collision with a Ford Orion driven by Jeanette Hartley, of Higher Tentre, Burnley. A neighbour said: "We are all shocked by what has happened. Ryan was playing with other children on their bikes and scooters when there was the sound of brakes and a bang.

"The other children were all crying, it was very upsetting. We are just hoping and praying that Ryan pulls through and makes a full recovery.''

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