A BOUNCER has been convicted of attacking a nightclubber after 'losing his rag.'

Paul Goodman, 23, was found guilty of assault causing actual bodily harm after a two-day trial at Burnley Crown Court. He was cleared of the more serious allegation of inflicting grievous bodily harm.

Goodman, who had no previous convictions, of Carlton Road, Burnley, denied both charges and said he was not at the Genesis nightclub at the time of the assault, last December.

The defendant, then a doorman at both Genesis and the Burnley pub J J Murphys, was picked out by several witnesses, after the early hours 'beating up' of David Slater. He was said to have launched into Mr Slater after a door was closed on him, kicked him and stamped on his head.

Mr Slater, who suffered a broken cheekbone and bruises, told the jury he hadn't been seriously injured.

Goodman was bailed until September 10, for a pre-sentence report and told sentence was entirely at large.

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