A FAMOUS son of Accrington who worked for the Tiffany glass company, is set to be commemorated at Haworth Art Gallery.

Joseph Briggs left Lancashire in 1891, aged 17, to begin a career in the United States.

Mr Briggs joined the Tiffany glass company and eventually became its president and raised a family in New Jersey.

And his contribution to world art is being marked by the donation of a bronze bust to the Haworth, produced at the Tiffany studio.

Mr Briggs' achievements were recently researched by Manchester-based Douglas Jackson, a member of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust.

The group was formed as a tribute to the war-time Prime Minister and sponsors trips abroad for research into areas of national interest.

Mr Jackson visited New York to look into Mr Briggs' life, where he met owners of the bust Neil and Janet Harrington.

They promised to visit England after deciding to donate the item to the Haworth and handed it over in a ceremony. They also met the Mayor, Coun Bernard Dawson at Accrington Town Hall.

The bust, when it handed over this week, will sit alongside the Tiffany glass collection, which was donated by Joseph Briggs in the 1930s. .

The Mayor is seen showing the visitors part of Hyndburn mayoral regalia

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