DISAPPOINTED residents who missed out on a share of a £2million government handout have been assured by council bosses that they will launch a fresh bid to raise cash.

Several projects on the Within Grove estate in Huncoat were shelved after a decision by Whitehall bosses not to award the area the community regeneration grant.

But Hyndburn Council leader Peter Britcliffe told a meeting of Huncoat residents at St Augustine's Church, Bolton Avenue, that £200,000 had been set aside for a four-year match funding programme to support a new bid for SRB money.

Local people were involved in a massive consultation exercise before town hall bosses submitted a bid to fund schemes such as CCTV cameras, an estate caretaker and a community centre.

The application was a joint bid for cash which would have been shared with Netherton ward in Great Harwood.

After the meeting, Coun Britcliffe said: "We will continue to support Huncoat and we are already working on a new bid.

"I went on a tour of Huncoat after the meeting and the area is really getting its act together.

"Not only have we had some wonderful news on crime and unemployment figures, but there are also some beautiful low-rent properties on the estate." Geoff Coglan, chairman of Huncoat Forum, added: "People have accepted that changes need to be made to the last bid and we're pleased to have the council's continued support.

"They have promised to brief us later in the year when they have had a full explanation of why the bid failed."

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