THERE were double celebrations for an East Lancashire family this weekend as they marked two special occasions.

Accrington-born Pat Ferguson married her fiance Colin Catlow at the town's register office.

And Pat also celebrated her parents' golden wedding anniversary at a double reception for the whole family.

Purchase ledger clerk Pat, 44, met 50-year-old IT instructor Colin two years ago in Gosport, Hampshire, where the couple now live.

They decided to head north for their big day to be with Pat's son Duncan Eastham, 22, who will shortly join them in Hampshire.

Pat's other two children, 23-year-old son John and 17-year-old daughter Mandy, are already down south.

After the wedding the family headed off to Old Mother Redcap, Blackburn, for the party.

The other couple who were the centre of attention were Pat's mum and dad, Annemarie and John Ferguson. They celebrated 50 years together on July 31, and the reception was arranged as a double celebration.

John and Annemarie, both 71, of Scotland Bank Terrace, met while he was stationed with the Black Watch in Germany during the Second World War.

He became a postman after they moved to Blackburn, while Annemarie worked as a quality controller at Brierley's textiles in the town.

Pat said: "We didn't plan the wedding to be so close to mum and dad's anniversary, but it turned out to be a happy coincidence."

Pat and Colin were set to jet out to Thailand for a fortnight's honeymoon after the reception.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.