HEATHCARE group Smith & Nephew today revealed profits were on the mend.

The firm, which employs 435 people manufacturing bandages and surgical dressings in Brierfield, reported pre-tax profits for the six months to July 3 of £131.1million, up from £71.9million. Turnover was £536.2million, up from £479.5 million.

A fortnight ago the firm announced it had sold its UK cotton wool business based in Brierfield to Robinson Healthcare.

The firm has taken on the 65 staff involved in the business and they will continue to work from its base at Brierfield Mills, Brierfield.

Chairman John Robinson said: "The changes we have implemented since the end of last year are beginning to produce results.

"Our major businesses have improved their growth rates and Smith & Nephew is continuing its programme of change and manufacturing rationalisation."

The group will pay an interim dividend to shareholders of 2.5p, up 4% on last year.

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