A WOMAN raider found by a pensioner in her home had helped herself to the 72-year-old's jewellery.

Lynsey Ormerod, 22, then a drug addict, but now a new mum, escaped a jail sentence - even though a judge said she ought to have gone to custody when she first appeared in court.

Judge Raymond Bennett, who has deferred sentence at Burnley Crown Court, said he had had in mind a 21-month prison term.

But, he added, he had earlier been persuaded Ormerod wanted to change her ways and it had not been a mistake giving her the chance.

The judge had put sentence back when the defendant had been in custody and was pregnant. After hearing she had given up drugs, the judge told her those who had been addicted but took steps to rid themselves of drugs, must be encouraged.

He added: "I hope its a turning point for you, otherwise it will be prison." The judge added he didn't want other burglars to think they wouldn't go to custody. Ormerod, of Vernon Street, Nelson, was put on probation for two years. She earlier admitted burglary and handling stolen goods and had been committed for sentence after being convicted for driving while disqualified and no insurance.

Howard Braisden, prosecuting, said the pensioner found Ormerod at the top of the stairs. The defendant told her: "Don't call the police. They will put me away." Police arrived and jewellery worth £300 was recovered from Ormerod.

After her arrest, her home was searched and stolen documents and a bank card found.

Mark Stuart, defending, said Ormerod ought to have gone to custody originally and 21 months would not have been out of the question. Ormerod had not re-offended since, had got her own accommodation and was doing well with her son. Once or twice before the birth she had "strayed a bit" and had taken drugs when she shouldn't have done, but the baby's arrival had stopped any problems.

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