AMBITIOUS plans to create a leisure lake, hotel and restaurant complex in Darwen have been shelved after the develop blamed red tape for holding up the scheme for more than six years.

The £2million project to redevelop Jack's Key Lodge, off Bolton Road, was proposed by Rob Hollingsworth of Turton based developers Paul Homes.

After months of negotiations and consultations, outline permission was granted by planners but the project has remained on the drawing board.

Mr Hollingsworth, who refused to be drawn on the exact nature of the delays, said: "I have always been enthusiastic about this project but unfortunately the local authority don't seem to share my enthusiasm.

"I am still hoping it will go-ahead, the cash is there, but there is not much I can do when there is so much red tape."

Whitehall councillor David Foster, who lives close to the lodge said: "I am often asked by residents what is happening with the lodge but when I look into it the same answer always comes back - that no moves have been made by the developer. "I understand the water had to be drained for safety reasons but the lodge does look a mess and I would support any action to get things resolved.

"At one time it was a wonderful facility and it could be again with the right backing."

A council spokeswoman said: "Council members supported the idea in principle and the application was granted outline planning permission. This has now lapsed due to the time involved.

"The council spent considerable time working with the developer on the proposed scheme and assessing its viability. The opinion was that the scheme put forward was not viable. The developer has not come back with an alternative plan and therefore was not able to buy the council's interest in part of the land. We have not heard from the developer for some time and therefore there is no reason to progress further until we do."

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