AN ANGRY trader is warning shops will be driven out of business unless they get a helping hand from Blackburn with Darwen Council.

Mary Barnes' shop Singers Outdoor and Leisure has been on New Market Street, Blackburn, for more than 50 years.

But over the last few weeks she and neighbouring shopkeepers have been threatened with parking tickets when making deliveries to their shops. And she claims that if they are not given some leeway they will be driven out of town.

Mary said: "Blackburn has got to stop treating its retailers like this. Business is bad enough in the town, the council should be helping traders not hindering us. The other day we had to carry stock from the other side of King George's Hall.

"They say you can unload before 10.30am or after 4.30pm but that is not always possible.

"Singers has been in Blackburn for more than 50 years and is a very well-established business, but this makes you think about the future."

A council spokesman said: "The pedestrianisation order for King William Street and surrounding streets was implemented to promote retail vitality of the area.

"The order permits loading before 10.30am and after 4.30pm - this is no different to pedestrianisation orders in other areas of the town, county and throughout the UK. Businesses must arrange their deliveries or pick-ups around these times."

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