AN alcoholic died after injecting himself and a friend with heroin, an inquest heard.

And the friend told police it was the first time that either of them had taken the drug.

An inquest heard that Andrew Christopher Thompson, 35, of Woodvale Flats, Darwen, died as a result of the combination of morphine and alcohol.

Thomas Quinn told the inquest that he and Mr Thompson were good friends and that he used to visit him every day at his flat.

Mr Thompson started drinking at 6am and did not stop until he fell asleep at night.

He said that if Mr Thompson had not had a drink he would have the shakes.

On the day of his death, the two men had been out shopping and had visited several pubs.

They separated when Mr Thompson said he was going to the Royal Oak and Mr Quinn had further shopping to do. But they met up again at Mr Thompson's flat.

Mr Quinn said his friend emerged from the kitchen and asked if he wanted some 'smack.'

Mr Quinn at first refused but Mr Thompson said: "Try it. It won't kill you."

Mr Quinn told how Mr Thompson had to inject both of them with the drug because he had a fear of needles.

Mr Thompson was shaking and so Mr Quinn held the needle steady while his friend injected him. After injecting himself Mr Thompson lay on the settee.

Mr Quinn said he sat in an armchair and had no awareness of the passing of time until another friend, Neil Walsh, called round.

They noticed that Mr Thompson's eyes were open but he did not respond and immediately sent for the ambulance.

Mr Thompson was pronounced dead at his home.

Assistant deputy coroner John Birch recorded a verdict of accidental death.

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