COLNE secured an opening day win for the first time in their four-year history to stun promotion hopefuls Warrington Town.

The Reds, boosted by an excellent pre-season - one defeat in six friendlies - took that form into this First North Western Trains Second Division encounter.

New boys Mark Towers and Andy Smith made their bows but Colne were dealt a stunning blow inside four minutes.

Keeper Mark Canning fumbled a difficult cross-cum-shot and Warrington's Mark Tandy needed no second invitation to net from close range.

But Denzil Hart's men were not to be found wanting in the character stakes and they began to put pressure on the home goal, with Smtih and Towers both going close.

The latter finally got the break early in the second half when his low shot beat Paul Knight after good approach work by Barry White.

And 15 minutes from time, Colne's attacking persistence brought the winner with Mark Narnor nipping in front of Knight to meet a cross from Smith and bundle the ball home.

Colne are on their travels again tomorrow night at Darwen.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.