TWO flower shows are blooming again in Nelson after lying dormant for a number of years.

Nelson and District Smallholders Allotments and Horticultural Association came back to life on Saturday at the Civic Theatre and yesterday saw the Valley Mills Allotment Society spring blossoming again at the Silverman Hall.

Saturday's show, opened by the Mayor of Pendle Coun Edwina Sargeant was supported by 28 entrants and about 200 exhibits.

Secretary Dianne Mason and her husband, James, chief steward, said they were delighted to have got the show going again. It was founded in 1909 and held annual shows until three years ago.

James said: "We have had a number of people who didn't take part this time but who came along and said they would certainly be considering exhibiting next year.

"We have had a good day and are hoping the show will now go from strength to strength.''

The Valley Mills show dates back to the 1920s and has been revived after wilting 18 years ago. Trustee Jack Tunstill said: "We are pleased with the turnout although unfortunately some of the classes have not been as well supported as we expected.

"We are hoping that the show will build up again from here.'' Both societies brought out the silverware which has remained hidden in dark cupboards for years.

Trophy winners on Saturday were: Rose bowl for floral art, Linda Hinton; Tattersall Plinth for most points in flower section, Alan Greenwood; Stainthorpe Cup for gladioli, Pat King; Brunswick Street Allotment Shield for top floral exhibit, TW Hinton; Haythornthwaite Cup for best exhibit in other flower classes, Alan Greenwood; Hall Memorial trophy, roses, Alan Greenwood; Dyer Cup, chrysanthemums, Alan Greenwood; Osbourne Cup, dahlias, Pat King; Tiplady trophy, onions, Tom Scott; Windle Memorial Cup, carrots, George Law Atkinson; Wilkinson Cup, long carrots, Tom Scott; John Dale Cup, most points flowers and vegetables, Alan Greenwood; Hazel Dale Cup, most points confectionery, Stanley Hulme; Eileen Dale Cup, top confectionery exhibit, Rose Lawson; Normington Cup, most points in egg section, Tom Scott; Hayhurst Cup, most points novice vegetable classes, David Moore; Stott trophy, sponge cake, Rose Lawson; Kennard Memorial Trophy, marrow, William Bollard; baby class shield, children's section, Liam O'Connor; National Vegetable Society medal, George Law Atkinson.

Among the trophy winners at the Valley Mills show were: most points in show, John Cockshott; vegetables, George Atkinson, eggs, Tom Scott.

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