A MAN went on an unexplained wrecking spree after a day's drinking, a court heard.

Blackburn magistrates were told that Gary Westland caused more than £1,000 worth of damage to cars parked on the street where he lives. Westland, 33, of Star Street, Dawen, pleaded guilty to three charges of criminal damage.

He was due to be dealt with after the magistrates read pre-sentence reports but they said they could not accept one of the claims for compensation and asked for further clarification.

The claim was from a Mr James Smith and as well as £693 compensation, there was a claim for £170 loss of earnings.

Westland was remanded on bail until September 15.

Emma Kehoe, prosecuting, said police called to Star Street saw Westland chasing after a brick was rolling down the road.

He told one of the officers they would have to take him away because he had just thrown the brick at a car.

A BMW was scratched on one side and had a dent in the door. The windscreen of a Vauxhall Carlton had been smashed and spotlights had been removed from another car. Stephen Parker, defending, said it was a serious offence which had a great deal to do with alcohol.

Westland, his wife and some friends, had been on a coach outing to Fleetwood. "A good day was had by all and drink was taken during the day," said Mr Parker.

"On their return they went to a pub and had a few more drinks and eventually my client and his wife left and were walking home without incident until Mrs Westland popped into a takeaway.

"What happened after that is a mystery," said Mr Parker. "She came out of the takeaway to see her husband being arrested. For no apparent reason he had caused this damage to the cars."

Mr Parker said the car owners lived either on the same street or around the corner from Westland but there had been nothing vindictive about the attack.

"It appears to be an offence entirely without motive," said Mr Parker.

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