ANIMAL lovers Sheila and Colin Brennan are making sure their four-legged friends don't miss out on their ruby wedding anniversary celebrations.

Because the big-hearted couple are asking friends and relatives to make donations to the Only Foals and Horses Animal Sanctuary, Oswaldtwistle.

Sheila, of Bombay Street, Blackburn, has been involved with the sanctuary since it was launched and now she is determined to help it raise the thousands of pounds it needs to buy the land on which it is based.

She said: "I donate money every month to the sanctuary and my husband has adopted a goat there.

"We've decided to use our ruby wedding to publicise the sanctuary and all its good work and to help it raise the money it needs to buy its current home."

Sheila's friends have already raised about £100 and she is hoping other guests at their party at Daniel's on Penny Street on September 19 will boost the funds.

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