REGARDING your article 'No go area for buses' (LET, September 24), I think that we are being ruled by our children. It isn't just in the Higher Croft area of Blackburn; it's everywhere regardless of social class. Children who are brought up to have no respect turn into teenagers with even less respect and responsibility.

The other day, I heard my dog barking in my garden (which is secure). I went to see what the fuss was about and found a group of small children of about seven throwing stones at my dog. They were also trying to get into the garden.

When I told them of the potential danger, I was met with disgusting verbal abuse. I got angry and took my dog inside.

Before I did, I told them that if they got bitten by my dog it would be their own fault. One of the children argued, saying it wouldn't, and that I would get in trouble.

The thing which really annoys me is that they were probably right.

Hearing this off a seven-year-old? if the child is old enough to know these things, then surely they should be held responsible for their own actions, or better still, the parents should be held responsible!

A short time ago fire crews had problems in the Higher Croft area. Are they allowed to teach them a lesson? Absolutely not.

They would lose their job if they were to give them a 'clip round the ear,' or turn the hose on them. The kids know their rights. We have none.

Please don't misunderstand - our children must be protected from people who wish to harm them. However, we must be protected from the children who have clearly been told that it is all right to harm us and our property. Someone must take responsibility!

Name and address supplied.

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