NOW. I well and truly believe that the inmates have taken over the asylum.

I refer to the decision by Ribble Valley Council to allow the Crosby Homes' application to build houses behind the corn mill off King Street in Whalley.

The access and egress to the development is less than 100 yards from the sharp bend just over the bridge into King Street. This is the A59 main road from East Lancashire to Yorkshire and beyond.

For the Ribble Valley planning officers and committee to add to the horrendous traffic problems in Whalley is beyond understanding.

We were led to believe that the parish council would object to the application because of the unsuitable access. However, this was not the case.

It isn't enough for Councillor Joyce Holgate to say that she reluctantly supported the application: you either agree or you don't and with Whalley in its present state it is time for our representatives to stand up and be counted.

MARJORIE SMITH, Woodfield View, Whalley.

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