FILAN: Good game and a superb penalty save...8

KENNA: Probably relieved to be substituted as Kennedy was starting to run him ragged...5

SHORT: Vulnerable to Dickov's pace but made one memorable tackle on the flying Kennedy...6

DAILLY: Fluctuates from one extreme, giving away the penalty, to another, rescuing Rovers in the first half...6

DAVIDSON: Might have made more going forward of City's lack of an orthodox right winger...6

WILCOX: Still going just as strong and competitively in the last minute as the first...7

FRANDSEN: Much more impressive first half and unlucky not to score, but faded...7

CARSLEY: Neat and tidy before making way for McAteer...6

DUFF: A bright first half but should look at Kennedy as to how to provide a consistent threat...6

WARD: Worked his socks off, a pity more chances did not fall to him...6

JANSEN: A hat-trick would have been deserved reward, even though he does over-elaborate to the frustration of team-mates. He was a constant threat to City until they established a two-goal cushion...8


McATEER: Kidd kept his return quiet but will be glad to have him back

GRAYSON: Didn't really have any more success than Kenna in stopping Kennedy

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.