STAFF made redundant when a Pendle factory closed are back working at the plant under new bosses.

Trawden-based LBS has taken on more than 40 workers after moving one of its subsidiaries from Wales to part of the former Lear Corporation site at Spring Gardens Mill, Waterside, Colne.

Many of the new staff are former Lear workers put out of work earlier this year when the company, which makes interior upholstery for the car industry, switched production to the Midlands.

LBS, which makes horticultural supplies, moved into a vacant part of the large site 12 months ago and has expanded to a point where it occupies about 360,000sq ft.

The firm received valuable help from Pendle Council and Pendle Partnership, the consortium of private, public and community groups, when it decided to move a subsidiary from Welshpool to Spring Gardens.

It received grants and incentives to help with the relocation and assistance in recruiting extra workers through an employment initiative.

LBS spokesman, Ian Wolfenden, said: "We are delighted with the help and support that we have received from both of these projects. Thanks to them, our relocation has gone very smoothly and we have filled our vacancies with some keen local employees."

Colin Wilkinson, of the council's economic development unit, added: "This is a fine example of how our economic development projects can link together and work quickly and effectively to assist local firms with their relocation and recruitment needs.

"LBS is an asset to the business community in Pendle and we are delighted that our service is being utilised to such good effect."

LBS makes a range of garden products, from seed trays to furniture. American firm Janesville, which supplies the motor industry, rents half the Spring Gardens site.

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