MIDFIELD maestro Paul Cook served up a stunning goal to set Burnley on their way to another impressive victory.

But the former Stockport man was more concerned with singing the praises of the Clarets defence after another clean sheet kept Stan Ternent's men in touch with the leaders.

"The goal apart I was just delighted with the win," said Cook.

"We've had a little wobble at home against Scunthorpe and Brentford but Bristol are a good side, so to beat them 2-0, with a clean sheet as well, is a good bonus for us.

"The way we are setting our stall out at times means teams do have possession against us.

"But as the season is going on we are starting to show our defensive record is good.

"And if teams don't score against you they can't beat you.

"The important thing is we know what we are trying to do and we've just got to keep believing in what the manager is telling us to do.

"You've got to have a willingness to help each other.

"Andy Cooke and Andy Payton will always get us a goal so if we can keep a few clean sheets the results will continue to come."

Cook was delighted with his own strike which set the tone for another solid display.

But he insisted the Clarets have some hard work to do if they are to turn themselves into genuine title contenders.

"We know we are not the finished article by any shape or form and we are not shouting from roofs that we'll get promoted or do this, that and the other.

"All we are trying to do is keep improving and if we can do that then we'll be okay."

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