TRACING family tree roots from her home in Canada, Miss Linda Lowrey wonders whether readers can put her in touch with the Darwen descendants of her grandfather John Plant's brother.

He was David Plant and he and his wife Sarah (ne Waddicor) had five children, all born in Darwen.

Linda has already made contact with the branch of the family stemming from their daughter Louisa's marriage to Archibald Collum but hopes to trace others belonging to her brothers and sisters.

They were Emily, who was born in 1901 and married a man named Houghton; Joseph, born the following year and wed to Alice Sherrington; John William, born in 1906 or 1907; and Grace Ellen, born in 1914 and married to a Pilkington.

If these names feature among your kin, link up with Linda at 222 Concession Street (Apt. 406), Hamilton, Ontario L9A 1B1, Canada, or by e-mail at

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