STUART Farnell bagged a hat-trick of headers to maintain Borough's excellent unbeaten run in the First North Western Trains League Second Division.

But apart from the goals, there was little to choose between these two sides in a scrappy and dour affair.

Bacup went ahead in the second minute when Farnell rose above the defence to head a left-wing cross into the roof of the net.

Borough tore into the Blackpool defence looking for more goals which left the visitors fighting a rearguard action and on 15 minutes Farnell again rose to a cross from the right to head home his second goal.

From then on, the game went downhill and the play became scrappy and tedious.

The second period was no better although Blackpool looked more dangerous in front of goal and brought some fine saves from Bacup keeper Mark Scowcroft who was in fine form.

On 50 minutes Farnell again rose to a corner from the right and scored his hat trick.

Midway through the half, Bacup suffered a setback when young Nicky Taylor was carried from the field with a leg injury following a bad tackle from one of the Blackpool defenders which went unpunished by the referee.

Blackpool still kept trying to get on the scoresheet but were unable to take their chances and the game disappointingly fizzled out.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.