A SENSATIONAL second half hat-trick from former Stockport striker Jimmy Flood sank sorry Harwood in a game manager Denis Underwood will quickly want to forget.

After Monday night's 4-4 debacle against Maine Road, Underwood was searching for more defensive stability from his men.

But they simply could not cope with with the marauding Flood who led bottom-of-the-table Atherton to their first win in 18 matches in the First North Western Trains League First Division. A rainbow over the ground prior to kick-off hinted at good omens for LR and so it transpired as Steve Cunningham set up the opener on 11 minutes for Danny Meakin to finish.

And Cunningham got the second himself 20 minutes later when the keeper could only parry a free kick.

The second half saw Flood take centre stage and he registered a stunning hat-trick on 47, 57 and 65 minutes. And there was also a sting in the tail for Rossendale United when LR manager Steve Plant claimed after the match that the Dark Lane club have made an illegal approach for Cunningham.

"Our striker Steve Cunningham has been the subject of an illegal approach from Rossendale," said Plant.

"Apparently, without us knowing anything about it, he trained there on Thursday night.

"I won't stand in anyone's way who doesn't want to play for us but I asked him to play one last game as it was such late notice.

"To be fair to the lad he gave his all but we will be taking action against Rossendale."

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